Welcome to Shree G. N. Patel Vidhyalaya, Vadodara

The school is affiliated to Gujarat Secondary Education Board.
We are tends to give society an educational environment, where your child can grow up.

Shree G.N. Patel Vidhyalaya is one of the most reputed schools located at New VIP Road, Vadodara, Gujarat. It was established in 2004 under Late Narmadaben Gordhanbhai Patel Charitable Trust, which is managed by President Shri Sunilbhai Gordhanbhai Patel.

  • HIGHest RATED Education

  • ONLINE Student Results


What Students Say

Why Us ?

Learn And Get Training From Experts

Here classes are child oriented with emphasis on environment and social awareness. The basic skills in Reading, Writing and Arithmetic (3 R’s) are developed.

Enjoy Our Learning Environment

The basic method of teaching is the playway method. The formal teaching becomes very monotonous and makes the students repel from the school.

Learn Anytime & Anywhere

Gradually an idea became a giant under its own power. Ideas are like that.

Our Mission

To impart holistic education, in our temple of knowledge by extending freedom to all students equally, thereby grooming the students to accept global challenges and grow up into responsible future citizens.

  • Qualified Staff
  • Total Students
  • Total Classrooms

We provide universal access to the world’s best education & offer admission for anyone

Download the admission form fromn the below link and do come with documents mentioned in the form.
Download Adminssion Form